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lördag, september 01, 2012

Amazing speache of Romney at the convent

Applaudes for Romney att the convent in Tampa. But HOW will he create 12 million NEW job when the world is in a regression? In the US and many other countries many companies have outsourced their production for the last 10 to 15 years to countries with lower production cost. And they still do.
   And how can he promisse  better  circumstances for retired people  without to tell us how?  And promisse to lower tax? Who and what will  finance this?  Everyone can have a plan but you must must have resources to do it.  It´s an economical idea  that will need to be explained .  THINK FOR YOUR SELF! If you take from the people that have less and give tax benifit to the most riches 10% US is defenitly on the wrong way. 

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