Jerusalem Post 00:53 local time, 02:53 GMT
Washington DC. Congressman; US must keep Muslim Brothers from Egypt gov´t said Chairman of US House Middle East subcommittee Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio)
Q. Can this comment not start questions in Egypt about if US have a hidden agenda for their country?
Al Jazeera 06:20 GMT
Heavy shooting reported in Tripoli (Libyan Capital City) as protests against Gaddafi´s 41-year-old rule contnue.
Guardian, UK, March 4, 18:27 GMT
Bradley Manning ´forced to sleep naked´. The US private suspected of giving classified material to WikiLeaks was forced to sleep naked in his cell (for 7 hours) at Marin Corps prison near Washington, wiich his lawyer has said is inexcusable.
Q. This might rise more questions about how US treat prisoners.
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